Consent Preferences What We Do | Healthiem
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What We Do 

Healthiem is a virtual therapy provider. We help you get better through developing greater understanding and knowledge in order to take control of your own life and body. Practically, for some of you this could mean having less back pain, or better performance in your favourite sport, or being able to carry on doing your hobby for much longer than you thought possible. For others it could mean dealing with that ‘IBS’ that has been bothering you for years, or sleeping well for the first time. We work with you and your health on what matters most to you.


This is achieved through a straightforward process which starts with a 10-minute appraisal conversation on-line. This initial appraisal is designed to gain a shared understanding of what the presenting issues are and how these have been affecting you. Once we we have an outline of the whole picture and you are happy to proceed, we then need to set up an in-depth first consultation so that we can properly identify all the information and knowledge you will need to change things for the better. This can be in the form of supervised exercises, or advice on dietary and lifestyle changes. If needed, follow-up appointments are used to assess progress and make any minor changes required to keep you making progress. 


The initial in-depth consultation will take up to one hour and a half comprise of:

  • A thorough and in depth case history: exactly the same as in person, discussion about why you are here, talking about your symptoms, your lifestyle, diet, medical health history etc.

  • Examination: assessment of movement and other aspects such as orthopaedic testing performed through your live camera.

  • Diagnosis and/or onward referral if any red flags are present (complaints that require onward referral).

  • Advice: how to make things better, how to make sure it does not happen again, understand what happened, how and why etc.

  • Exercises: to help reduce pain, improve function, increase performance etc. 

  • Questions: very important to ask any questions you may have - we love questions! And most importantly, we want you to be fully empowered.


What you will need:

  • A stable internet connection.

  • A video camera and good sound quality.

  • A live consultation video link will be emailed to you.

  • Enough space to move around on.

  • A floor yoga mat. 

  • A partner can be handy too (not a requirement).

  • Foam roller/tennis ball /bands (not a requirement).


Some of the healthcare issues we can help with:

  • Musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain - back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, chronic pain, rehabilitation needs etc.

  • Changes in body composition - want to be more muscular? Wedding dress to fit into?

  • Health-related complaints such as bloating, indigestion, diarrhoea, stress, poor sleep etc.

  • Systemic diseases process - such as inflammatory arthritis - this is done through a functional medicine approach, dietary changes, exercise prescription, lifestyle changes etc 

  • Sports related -  Want to be stronger? Faster? Fitter?


There is always a compulsory 10 minute free consultation for any new patient. This serves two purposes - one, I can better decide how and if I can help you, and two, you can ask any questions you may have or choose not to proceed if it does not sounds right for you.

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